Dining on apple-Seuss
Staff writer
Second grader Charlotte Smith looked down at her lunch plate and gave a verbal thumbs-up.
“They look just like the eggs from the story,” she said of the green eggs that Marion Elementary School served on Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
Sarah Queen and her staff cook up green eggs and ham — and different colors of applesauce — every year on the author’s birthday.
“They absolutely love that,” she said of the applesauce.
Students could choose from blue, orange, and pink applesauce this year.
“I like the food coloring,” said second grader Paysley Wheatley, who chose blue applesauce.
Blue-frosted cupcakes with sprinkles also were on the menu.
First grader Maddie Jones cut her cupcake in half and made a sandwich out of it with the frosting in the middle.
Thursday also was hat day at school.
Aubrielle Calloway donned a red-and-white striped “The Cat in the Hat” hat for the occasion.
Lane Wealand, also in first grade, said his favorite Dr. Seuss book was “Fox in Socks.”
Why that one?
“Because it rhymes a lot,” he said.
“All of his books rhyme,” Maddie said in a librarian-esque tone. “All his books are funny.”
Last modified March 8, 2023