• Last modified 3159 days ago (Sept. 23, 2015)


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:   Driving, phones don't mix

To the editor:

In regards to the recent accident where a car ran over someone on a bicycle, I believe that harsher punishment is needed in these situations.

The driver made a choice to use her cell phone while she was driving. We all make choices every day. I choose to not use my cell phone at all while I am driving. If someone calls me it is my choice that I keep my eyes on the road and not use my phone. It should have been the driver’s choice also.

In fact, it should be everyone’s choice. Until we, as a community and government treat incidents like this (I do not feel that it was an ‘accident’) with harsher punishments, people are going to continue to use their cell phones while they are driving. Accidents and even deaths will continue to happen.

It really hits home when it happens to someone you care about.  

Katherine Young

Last modified Sept. 23, 2015