• Last modified 2629 days ago (Feb. 23, 2017)


to the editor

Economic robbery?

To the editor:

Reading the article about having a countywide economic development corporation, commissioners say it’s a great idea, but how to come up with $800,000?

Simple, rob the people. That’s all they have been doing.

Why do we need such a thing anyhow? Isn’t it because people have been robbed of their right to self-government? Look at all the empty buildings that used to be occupied. Was it because of government involvement in economic development or because of a strong private sector?

We call it tax revenue. Really? It’s really people’s money that we have worked for by the risks we have taken, and more than that, it’s our self-worth and reward for our labor.

First, they set themselves up at our expense, and then they convince us to give up our independence at our expense, and then make us more and more dependent at our expense. So there are less and less of us. So what is left has to pay more and more, and what are we getting?

We as people are losing our ability to provide for ourselves and the security it gives. Instead of government at all levels protecting our right to self-determination and personal responsibility, it took it away. And to think that we voted for it at our expense.

Regarding Randy Dallke’s statement about stepping out of the box, why not get rid of the box and let the private sector develop the economy?

Jerry Plett

Last modified Feb. 23, 2017