Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper:
AUG. 3
1:20 a.m. — A 24-year-old man who suffered head and facial injuries, was experiencing neck and facial swelling, and was reported lacking alertness and having difficulty breathing after an ATV accident in McPherson County was taken by Tampa ambulance to Hillsboro Community Hospital from just inside the Marion County line on 290th Rd.
McPherson County deputies had contacted Marion County about the accident sometime before 1:20 a.m. In a follow-up call at that time, they expressed concern about how long it might take a Marion County deputy to reach the scene.
The deputy arrived at 1:38 a.m. and immediately asked for an ambulance. The ambulance arrived at 2:13 a.m., left for HCH at 2:56 a.m., and arrived at HCH at 3:27 a.m. The ambulance arrived back in Tampa at 4:57 a.m.
6:28 a.m. — What appeared to be the same accident victim was then ordered transferred from HCH to Via Christi – St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, by Hillsboro ambulance. The ambulance arrived at HCH at 7:24 a.m. and finished at St. Francis at 8:45 a.m.
7:36 a.m. — A 76-year-old man with lower abdominal pain and bloody stool was taken by Peabody ambulance to Newton Medical Center from the 100 block of S. Summit St. in Goessel. A first responder from Goessel and the county’s ambulance shift supervisor from Marion were first on the scene.
11:23 a.m. — An 80-year-old woman whose arm became lodged in the back of a chair during lunch in a common area at Homestead Senior Residences in Marion was freed by a Marion firefighter. A call to Marion ambulance was canceled.
1:20 p.m. — A 72-year-old man regarded as not being alert was transferred on physician’s orders from a Parkside Homes apartment to HCH. Hillsboro ambulance initially was dispatched to this call, but after two other calls came in, the shift supervisor redirect the call to Peabody ambulance.
1:24 p.m. — An 87-year-old man with blood in his stool was transferred to HCH by Marion ambulance from Salem Homes in Hillsboro.
1:28 p.m. — An 81-year-old woman who fell and cut her head at Salem Homes was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.
AUG. 4
9:15 a.m. — What was reported as an unresponsive 70-year-old man with a history of stroke and heart attack proved to be someone who had high blood sugar and was sleepy. Hillsboro ambulance, firefighters, and first responders all were dispatched to an apartment in the 100 block of N. Washington St., The patient declined to be taken to a hospital.
12:57 p.m. — A woman whose daughter told an alarm company that her mother needed help getting up at a residence in the 300 block of Tanglewood St. in Marion was assisted by Marion ambulance attendants and police. She declined to be taken to a hospital.
4:03 p.m. — A St. Luke patient with respiratory issues was transferred by Marion ambulance to Wesley Medical Center, Wichita.
No dispatches recorded.
8:51 a.m. — A woman with a low blood-oxygen level was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from Salem Homes to Wesley.
9:09 a.m. — A 38-year-old man reported to be screaming in pain in the 100 block of S. Cedar St. in Marion was taken to Newton Med by Marion ambulance.
11:27 a.m. — An HCH patient was transferred to Newton Med by Hillsboro ambulance.
2:31 p.m. — Florence firefighters briefly were dispatched to what was billed as a fire, possibly involving a truck, on US-50 near the Marion-Chase County line. Later information listed it as a grass fire in Chase County, and Florence firefighters, who had been prepared to ask Marion firefighters for assistance, were told to disregard the call.
5:49 p.m. — A 76-year-old woman with incapacitating knee pain was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance from the 300 block of Briarwood Lane in Hillsboro.
6:15 a.m. — A fire in a vehicle at 100th and Limestone Rds. was extinguished before Peabody firefighters arrived.
9:12 p.m. — A 72-year-old man was transferred from Salem Homes to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.
10:25 a.m. — A 62-year-old man who fell off a horse during Goessel’s Threshing Days was checked by first responders from Goessel but did not require Hillsboro ambulance, which also was dispatched on the call.
1:02 p.m. — A 78-year-old man who fell and may have fractured his hip at Bethesda Home in Goessel was taken to Newton Med by Hillsboro ambulance. First responders from Goessel assisted.
3:03 p.m. — A 25-year-old woman found unconscious on the floor of a Hilltop Manor apartment in Marion was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.
3:54 p.m. — A 74-year-old woman having trouble breathing was taken by Marion ambulance to St. Luke from Lakeshore Dr. near Rock Rd. at Marion County Lake.
5:00 p.m. — A 78-year-old woman who went to the HCH emergency room with chest pain was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance to Kansas Heart Hospital, Wichita.
5:07 p.m. — A 90-year-old woman who fell onto a carpeted floor at a residence in the 600 block of Lawrence Ave. in Durham was taken to HCH by Tampa ambulance. A first responder from Durham assisted.
7:10 p.m. — A tractor and shed on fire just west of the Marion-McPherson County line on Comanche Rd. (150th Rd. extended) was extinguished by Goessel, Canton, and Hillsboro firefighters. Goessel firefighters remained at the scene for nearly four hours.
8:55 p.m. — What appears to be the woman injured at 5:07 p.m. was transferred with a fractured hip from HCH to Newton Med by Hillsboro ambulance.
12:15 a.m. — A false fire alarm at Westview Manor in Peabody resulted in calls to Peabody, Florence, and Burns firefighters and Peabody ambulance
12:59 p.m. — A monitoring company’s report of a smoke alarm going off at a residence in the 100 block of N. Birch St. in Hillsboro proved to be caused by a cooking mishap that could not be identified as such because phone calls to the contact person on the monitoring company’s account went unanswered. Hillsboro firefighters canceled their response after learning of the mishap.
2:59 p.m. — After a page for first responders from Burns went unanswered, Marion ambulance was dispatched to help a person in a wheelchair get into a home in the 200 block of N. Ohio St. in Burns. Seventeen minutes later, Burns firefighters, who said they had not received the page, radioed that they had been contacted directly by the people involved, would handle the call, and did not need Marion ambulance.
3:43 p.m. — A woman complaining of back pain at Salem Homes was taken to St. Luke by Hillsboro ambulance.
5:56 p.m. — A man with pain in his side and trouble breathing was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to HCH from 200 block of W. B St. in Hillsboro.
12:30 p.m. — A woman with back pain and difficulty breathing after losing control of her vehicle and crashing it into a utility pole at K-15 and 70th Rd. was taken to Newton Med by Hillsboro ambulance. Goessel first responders and firefighters assisted at the scene. Hillsboro rescue squad was dispatched, too, but that call quickly was canceled.
5:17 p.m. — An HCH patient was transferred to Kansas Heart by Hillsboro ambulance.
Last modified Aug. 12, 2021