• Last modified 640 days ago (May 17, 2023)


Engineer resigns, cites stress

Commissioner says ‘people ran off’ a good man

Staff writer

With six major road paving projects in the works, county engineer Brice Goebel submitted his resignation May 8.

The resignation was announced Monday, as requested by Goebel, so he would have time to talk to his employees beforehand.

In his letter, Goebel wrote: “When I started this position four years ago, I had high hopes and aspirations to make the road and bridge department, and Marion County as a whole, better than it was and set it on a path of improvement and success.”

Those high hopes are gone.

“Even with the improvements, the stress of the position has become too much for me and my family,” he wrote. “I have found a better opportunity and after careful and thoughtful consideration I will be resigning my position as county engineer effective July 5.”

Commission chairman Dave Mueller said last week that Goebel chose July 5 to allow a transition period.

Goebel said he is going to work for a private contractor. Commissioner David Crofoot said Goebel has found a job that will allow him to work at home.

Commissioners Monday touched on whether they want to hire another engineer or a road and bridge superintendent, but set discussion for next week’s meeting.

Kanza Rd. is being paved, 290th Rd. is ready to go to bid, applications for money from Kansas Department of Transportation to work on three roads are in process, and 40 miles of Nighthawk, Remington and Sunflower Rds. are scheduled for this summer. Work to repair asphalt on Sunflower Rd. is under way.

“I don’t think Marion County has ever had that many projects going,” Mueller said last week. “I am concerned.”

Crofoot said all road projects were moving forward.

Having Goebel as engineer saved the county a lot of money that it would have had to spend on consulting engineers, Crofoot said.

“He’d just like to go out and have a good meal sometime,” he said. “We’ve lost two good people because the people ran him off.”

Commissioner Randy Dallke said last week that Goebel’s position was a “very important position for the county.”

Before Goebel was hired, volunteers who were concerned about roads helped screen applicants.

“I don’t know whether that group will come together again,” Dallke said.

Last modified May 17, 2023