• Last modified 289 days ago (April 25, 2024)


FFA honors members, supporters

Ella Mackey was named chapter letter winner and winner of the chapter sweepstakes when nearly 50 Marion FFA members and guests gathered Thursday for their annual parent, member, and employer banquet.

Noah Schmidt, who won the chapter’s Star Greenhand award, finished second, and Austin Marsden was third in the chapter sweepstakes.

Mackey also received a proficiency award for diversified horticulture. Sydney Martin received one for poultry production, and Teegan Kraus received one for diversified agricultural production.

Luke Watkins was installed as 2024-’25 chapter president; Lane Smith, vice president; Auryona Countryman, secretary; Kraus, treasurer; Miriam Mason, reporter; Owen White, sentinel; Schmidt, parliamentarian; and Zachery Schlesenger, historian.

Certificates of appreciation were presented to Jayson Hanschu American Family Insurance, Hillsboro Industries, Donald Raymer, Marsha Meyer, Sharon Box, Donahue Manufacturing, and Colt Gregory, who also received an honorary chapter FFA degree.

The banquet at the high school cafeteria featured barbecue pork, chicken, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, a roll, and dessert.

Last modified April 25, 2024