• Last modified 890 days ago (Aug. 18, 2022)


Flagging patriotism

Nothing’s more inspiring than the sight of a line a flags, fluttering in the breeze as bright shafts of sunlight make their colors come alive.

Old Glory is a wonderful addition to Marion’s Main St. But Old Glory isn’t supposed to look old. And more than a few of the relatively new flags that have been enduring bleaching sunlight, gale force winds, blinding rain, and other elements, day and night, in a lonely, dimly lit downtown vigil that began well before summer did are beginning to show their age.

Celebrations are sweetest when they occur on special occasions. Celebrating every day would be like downing a big slice of birthday cake with every evening meal. Pretty soon we’d stretch from sea to shining sea.

We hate to knock patriotism, but perhaps giving Main St. flags a few days of rest before they return to celebrate our freedom would keep them from becoming prisoners to the wearying elements of Kansas life.


Last modified Aug. 18, 2022