Approves gym for multiple community events
Staff writer
Florence City Council approved the use of city facilities for upcoming community events Monday.
Holly Pereillo was appointed Florence Recreation Director. She is also a city council candidate. The board then approved an open gym April 2.
Pereillo is working to secure the former home economics building, Moses Shane Park, and ballfields for other events. She is organizing movie and roller-skating nights. However, insurance for roller-skating and licensing for the movie night are hurdles to be cleared before dates for the events can be set.
“I’m really excited to do this for the kids,” Pereillo said. “I hope the community comes forward with ideas.”
The gym was also approved for a Florence PRIDE antiques, arts, and crafts event Sept. 17. After running a successful event for three consecutive years, PRIDE has taken a two-year hiatus from the event.
Director Sue Klassen said the previous location in the park near U.S. 77 made serving food and providing bathroom facilities difficult. Wind and other inclimate weather conditions will also make the gym a better venue for the event, Klassen said. The gym will also allow vendors to set up their wares on Friday, so they do not have to rush that morning.
“We were growing,” Klassen said. “It was a wonderful location but we had no protection.”
In other business:
- Morning Star Ranch Director Tim Suderman told the council he was taking over leadership of the organization and Val Newton will be assistant director. The council also approved using the Florence fire truck to fill the pool at Morning Star Ranch.
- Florence renewed property insurance with Bill Hendricks for $27,905.
- City warrants were approved for $9,891.
- The council discussed acquiring a used brush truck — a fire truck that is equipped with water without needing to access a hydrant — that would serve the townships of Doyle and Fairplay. However, Doyle township trustees have refused to help with the purchase of a truck unless the vehicle is new.
- Police Chief Michael Stone informed the council that one police vehicle needs new tires and the other needs a new windshield.
- City council candidate John Swarm commented at the end of the meeting that he had spoken to Dollar General executive David Stallings. Stallings said Florence would be a candidate for a Dollar General store since Duckwall’s closed in Marion.
- A work session was approved for 9 a.m. Friday.
The Florence City Council’s next regular meeting will be 6:30 p.m. April 4.