• Last modified 372 days ago (Oct. 11, 2023)


Friends, co-workers mourn county treasurer

Staff writer

County treasurer Susan Berg, who died Thursday, left a legacy of community service and warm feelings from people who worked with her.

County commissioners and county clerk Tina Spencer will mourn her death.

“She’s been a longtime family friend,” commissioner David Crofoot said.

He remembered Berg’s days working with economic development for the city of Marion and serving with her on the Chingawassa committee.

“She did good work for the community,” he said.

With tears welling in her eyes, Spencer said she and Berg had been personal friends.

“Susan cared about people,” Spencer said. “She was a woman of integrity. She cared about doing the right thing, and also doing things right.

“She considered it an honor to serve the citizens of Marion County, and I consider it an honor to call her my friend and colleague. I will miss her. We all will.”

“It’s a loss to the county,” commissioner Randy Dallke said. “She wanted to make it a good job in there.”

Commission chairman Dave Mueller said Berg would be sorely missed.

“My deepest sympathies to her family and co-workers,” Mueller said. “The office is in good hands, and now it’s up to the precinct (committeemen and women) to appoint someone.”

County Republican precinct captains will vote at 7 p.m. Oct. 26 at the county lake hall to choose an interim treasurer, Republican county chairwoman Rose Davidson said.

Registered Republicans interested in being considered for appointment may get an information packet by calling the county clerk’s office at (620) 382-2185 or emailing

Packets also are available from Davidson and party secretary Cynthia Fleming.

Completed forms are due in the clerk’s office by noon Oct. 23.

The name of the person chosen will be submitted to the governor for formal approval.

The candidate will be appointed to carry out Berg’s duties until October 2025 but would need to stand for election in November 2024 if he or she wants to continue in the position after October 2025, Spencer said.

Services for Berg were scheduled for 10:30 a.m. today at the Christian Church in Marion.

Last modified Oct. 11, 2023