• Last modified 1166 days ago (Dec. 2, 2021)


Goessel to get more expensive rescue equipment

Staff writer

After voting last week to pay $26,000 out of county rescue funds toward purchase of $29,590 worth of rescue equipment to make Goessel fire department a full-fledged rescue squad, county commissioners voted Tuesday to allow the department to make a more expensive purchase, albeit with the same contribution from the county.

The equipment Goessel fire chief Matt Voth now wants is $5,350 more expensive, but a donation to the department will cover the additional cost, county clerk Tina Spencer said.

“These are higher voltage and have a battery that can be used underwater,” Spencer told commissioners.

Dallke said part of why he approved the purchase a week ago was that the batteries were interchangeable with rescue equipment used by other fire departments in the county.

Spencer said it might be an advantage to the county to have batteries that operate under water.

“Thank you for bringing it forward, Tina,” Dallke said.

Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the more expensive equipment.

Commissioners also approved a $134,788 bid, including closing costs, from Marion National Bank for a lease purchase of a new Ramona fire station.

In other business, commissioners appointed David Mueller as a voting delegate for a Kansas Association of Counties special election.

Last modified Dec. 2, 2021