• Last modified 1383 days ago (April 29, 2021)


Groundbreaking scheduled for food bank

Staff writer

Operations will be streamlined and more efficient for the county food bank by early fall.

Gene Winkler and Gerry Henderson spoke to county commissioners Monday to give them an overview of work that will soon begin at the food bank’s future home.

Winkler and Henderson thanked commissioners for the county’s donations to the food bank.

“You may be thanking us, but we want to thank you for what you’re doing,” commission chair Randy Dallke said.

The 60’ by 50’ building at the corner of Main and Cedar Sts. will be constructed at the northeast corner of the property. A U-shaped drive will allow 10 to 11 cars to wait in line without blocking Main St.

Groundbreaking is planned for 10 a.m. May 21. Winkler said the date marks a special occasion.

“The reason we’re doing it that day is, it’s my wife’s birthday,” Winkler said.

Cement work is expected to start soon after the ceremony.

When people drive through to pick up, they will be given bags of food separated by contents, such as meat and dairy, fruit and vegetables, grain products, and game such as venison.

People with health conditions such as diabetes, or who will not eat items like venison, can inform attendants.

“When somebody comes in and says they can’t have a lot of sweets, we don’t give them that stuff,” he said.

Winkler said construction is expected to cost $305,000.

Four grants totaling $182,000 have been received. Winkler is still waiting to hear about a fifth grant he applied for, but work will begin anyway.

“I have the rest of the money,” he said. “Last year we sent up a separate account and have taken donations.”

Jay Christianson and Dusty Hett will construct a wood building with metal siding.

“If we get started the first of June, I’m hoping it’s done in three months,” Winkler said. “I would like to see it up in three months.”

Last modified April 29, 2021