• Last modified 877 days ago (March 3, 2022)



Happy Hustlers

Josie Wealand gave a project talk, “How to Fit a Market Steer,” when Happy Hustlers 4-H club met at 7 p.m. Feb. 7 at Marion County Lake hall.

Twenty-six members, five leaders, and six parents answered roll call by telling their middle names.

A Christmas thank-you note from the county clerk and county commissioners was read.

Noah Schmidt reported on a Jan. 16 meeting of the 4-H Council, and leader Amy Summervill reported that the county extension office had moved to its new location at 1116 E. Main St. in Marion.

Parliamentarian Jaxon Salsbury reminded members not to talk when officers and leaders are talking during the meeting.

The club’s lock-in committee asked parents on a date for the event, which will be designed for entire families to participate from 6 to 9 p.m. on a Friday.

Rylee Thomas led the club in signing “Happy Birthday” to those with February Birthdays. Tripp Peterson led the club in a game called Community.

The flag salute was led by Lane Smith and the 4-H Pledge by Kaylee Morrison. Secretary and reporter Ryker Salsbury presented minutes and a reporter’s report. Shelby Summervilll gave a treasurer’s report.

Refreshments were provided by the Vogel and Summervill families. The club’s next meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday at the lake hall.

Ryker Salsbury, reporter

Last modified March 3, 2022