• Last modified 749 days ago (Jan. 4, 2023)



Happy Hustlers

Members of Happy Hustlers 4-H Club presented fruit baskets and went caroling Dec. 20 at St. Luke Living Center and Marion Assisted Living before meeting at Marion County Lake hall.

Twenty-five members, six leaders, eight parents, and two guests answered roll call with their favorite Christmas songs.

Rylee Thomas presided, Addie Edmundson led the flag salute, Clayton Thomas led the 4-H pledge, Shelby Summervill presented minutes, Noah Schmidt presented a treasurer’s report, and Eileen Schmidt reported that a donut fundraiser was successful.

Cloverbud members participated in an activity with leader Tina Groening.

Community leader Amy Summervill congratulated those receiving awards at an achievement banquet.

A basketball tournament is planned for March 11 in Chapman. Club Day will be Feb. 11 at Centre.

The club voted to donate Chapstick to Marion Elementary School again this year.

Rylee Thomas asked that each family contact two businesses in a sponsorship drive.

Eli Groening led the club in singing “Happy Birthday.” Clayton Thomas and Trent Summervill led a paper airplane activity.

Members exchanged Christmas gift and put together plates of cookies donated by each family for 4-H supporters.

Refreshments were served by the Jones and Smith families.

Last modified Jan. 4, 2023