• Last modified 758 days ago (Jan. 19, 2023)



Happy Hustlers

Happy Hustlers 4-H Club celebrated its 80th anniversary Jan. 2 by singing “Happy Birthday,” taking a club photo with its 1942 charter, and having cupcakes and non-carbonated soft drinks.

Roll call was answered by 17 members, five leaders, and five parents naming their favorite movies or TV shows.

In presenting the treasurer’s report, Noah Schmidt reminded members to pay their $5 dues.

In her community leader’s report, Amy Summervill reminded parents to pick up program books and mentioned upcoming events, including Chisholm Trail District 4-H Day on Feb. 11 and a 4-H basketball tournament March 11.

President Rylee Thomas demonstrated the paper art of quilling, including how to make a duck.

Recreation leaders Trent Summervill and Clayton Thomas had each member guess how many Legos were in a jar.

Refreshments were served by the Salsbury and Summervill families.

The club’s next meeting will be 7 p.m. Feb. 6 at Marion County Lake Hall.

Shelby Summervill, reporter

Last modified Jan. 19, 2023