Help with heating costs available
Staff writer
If the cost of winter heating — or summer cooling, for that matter — is taking too big a bite out of seniors’ pocketbooks, two programs may provide help.
For both, income limits apply.
And for both not only seniors, but also younger low-income people qualify.
Home weatherization
South Central Kansas Economic Development District has a weatherization assistance program administered by Kansas Housing Resource Corp. and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program.
The nation’s largest residential energy efficiency program, it improves heating efficiency and fuel savings by making sure the home holds in heat and air conditioning and keeps cold and hot air out.
The program does a comprehensive energy and safety audit to find inefficiencies and safety concerns.
After an audit is completed, a plan is developed for free improvements made by contractors.
Services may include weatherstripping; caulking around doors and windows; cleaning, testing, repairs, or replacement of appliances, heating, and or cooling systems; adding insulation to walls, ceilings, and foundations; and lighting and ventilation upgrades.
Applications are available at (316) 262-7035 or
Income limits are $30,120 a year for a family of one plus $10,760 for each additional family member.
Help with energy bills
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program helps eligible people pay a portion of their energy costs with a one-payment-per-year benefit.
Applications are open until March 31.
The state Department for Children and Families administrates the program.
To qualify, an adult at the same address must be personally responsible for payment of heating costs.
The combined household gross income must not exceed 150% of the federal poverty level.
This year’s monthly income limits are $1,882.50 for a household of one plus $672.50 for each additional household member up to six.
Payment varies according to several factors, including the type of dwelling and heating fuel used.
Additional information is available at (888) 369-4777.