• Last modified 562 days ago (July 27, 2023)


Herbel’s letter to accountant

Here, verbatim, is the letter Herbel supplied to the Record. The newspaper has attempted to contact Loyd to verify that it is the letter he received and to ask whether Mayfield accurately relayed any concerns Loyd might have had.

Mr. Lloyd [sic],

After much consideration I have decided not to be part of concealing the fact that the ¾ % tax money is not in the General Fund. I feel trying to conceal the fact that this money is in the General Fund would be a mistake. The total amount of $449,908.90 should be removed and put in a separate fund.

A simple solution would be to transfer money from the Utility Fund to the General Fund and cancel all transfers to the Equipment Reserve. Which would cancel the purchases of equipment for 2024, I’m not sure that the equipment is needed anyway. I am sure there is other money in the General Fund that we could save or not spend for 2024. The money that is spent will have to be closely scrutinized. Cutting raises or anything else that is possible. Taking a closer look at the Park Fund and the Cemetery Fund, commodities for the park and cemetery is ridiculous.

It’s my duty to protect the taxpayer’s money and this is just one problem I do not intend to be part of. I will not be signing the budget if a legal solution is not found as this is a problem that could come back around on all of us and you have the most to lose. I risk removal from the governing body according to K.S.A. 79-2936. So I am asking you to try and come up with a legal solution that will not put us at risk and that would allow a fund to be created in the full amount of $449,908.90.

It is my duty to protect the taxpayer’s [sic] and this is just one problem I do not intend to be part of. I will not be signing the budget if a legal solution is not found. I know this has nothing to do with you, but by not signing this budget will call for a statement of reasons why I didn’t sign.

I wish you luck in finding a legal solution to this problem; you certainly have your work cut out for you.

Ruth C. Herbel

Last modified July 27, 2023