• Last modified 627 days ago (April 27, 2023)


Hillsboro alters dog ordinance

Staff writer

A new Hillsboro dog ordinance changes little.

The definition of “securing” a dog in the open bed of a truck changes as does who can designate a dog as “dangerous.”

Dogs in beds of pickups now must be enclosed in a kennel or secured so the dog cannot leap or fall from the truck.

In adopting the change last week, city council members said the change would enhance safety of both dogs and passers-by.

Under the previous ordinance, a “dangerous animal” designation was made by police. The new ordinance changes that to municipal court.

Rental rates for city facilities also have changed.

Rent for city hall meeting rooms and kitchen facilities will be $50 plus a $30 refundable deposit. Rent for Scout House will be $75 plus a $50 refundable deposit. Rent for the golf clubhouse will be $75 plus a $50 refundable deposit.

Work installing a chlorine dioxide generator in the city water treatment plant will begin as soon as the generator, approved last week, arrives.

The generator removes iron and manganese caused by blue-green algae in Marion Reservoir.

“It is important to have the generator in place before the iron and manganese issues from the reservoir peak in warmer months,” city administrator Matt Stiles said.

Council members also are contemplating a neighborhood revitalization plan to boost housing development.

The county has a revitalization program but has discussed changing or eliminating it.

“Regardless of the county’s action, it is worth discussing if a city-based plan would make sense as a development incentive,” Stiles said.

Last modified April 27, 2023