• Last modified 1151 days ago (Dec. 22, 2021)



Tracy Boldt’s class

For Christmas I want a ninja and a yoda lego set. I hope there’s not a big storm you have to go through. How is your life doing? How are the presents going with your elves? I hope you like all the cookies and milk we give you.

Kian Huebert

This year, I want LOL toys, a dollhouse, a Barbie car, a jack-in-the box and mini brands. I have been good all year. I would also like to ask for a dinosaur toy for my big brother. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Braylee McPhail

Santa, milk and cookies for you. I have been a good boy and I want a dirt bike. I would also like farm animals and a fooseball table.

Braxton Klenda

I have been a good boy. Can you please bring me Wheely shoes and a new rope for Christmas.


I am 6 years old. This year has been awesome for me. Meet friends and good teachers. I’m happy about that. I just ask for good health, good blessing for everyone, and I hope to have some gifts under the tree. Have a very merry Christmas. I love Santa!


Aimee Hennigh’s class

Santa, O hope you give all the kids toys they like. I hope no one is mean to you, or your elves, or your reindeer, or Rudolph. Santa, please give me a Rudolph stuffed animal. If I don’t get it, I promise I won’t be mean or throw a fit and I will still be good for next Christmas. I hope you have a good Christmas.

William B.

Star pillow, new blanket, camera, watch, princess dresses, ice skates, unicorn toy, new fishing pole, new shoes.

Rowyn Kurtz

This year I want a new Mighte Pup Tower and a new tablet.

Jeremie Seaman

For Christmas I want a Hulk toy, sulder pads, Patrick MaHomes signed jersey, Chief pants, signed Patrick mahomes football, Stuff animal, roudolph, pokeman, and a Patrick MAHOMES boblehead Santa Claus hat.


I would like some makeup and nail polish. I hope I’m on the nice list. Love, Claire.

Claire Duerksen

I want 4 lego sets and I want a transformer and its name is Blaze.

Bear Shewey

Peppa Pig, Play house, toy train, toy car.

Evelyn Zheng

Will you please bring me a Barbie and my own pointer. I have been a good little girl all year. Thanks.


Please may I have a racecar, race track, IPAD, walking Dino. Thank you.

Colton Kenney

How are you? For Christmas I want a alarm clock and a Big baby doll.


How are you? For Christmas I want a X-Box and a dirt Bike and I want a scooter and a small Basketball hoop with a BasketBall and a water Botle and a go kart and a skateboard and a Nintendo and a pyraminx cube and a mincraft game and a controller and the game Zelda.


Can I have a Big girl Bike because I have been good.

Blakely Kroeker

I want a bulldog and I want a forwheeler and I want a xbox one and I wanta a IPhone12 motor and a skateboard and I want my own basketball court and a BMX bike and one of your elves. Merry Christmas O and one more thing. I want a football.


How are you? For Christmas I want a motor powered gookart . and a sister. And a real sword.

Liam Weston

How are you: For Christmas I want books and art supplies. I do not no what kind of books and art supplies I want but you can pick. I also want a puppy and a computer and school stuff. Do you like Christmas. I know I do.

Claire Matlock

I want for Christmas a Nintendo swich and a scooter and a schwertl plushee and a Peccachoo plushee and a charmander plushee.


How are you? I want a Nintendo swich and a teel car and a dog bone and a gloa.


For Christmas I want a pet puppy. Oh and it has to be a weener dog, a really thin dog.


I want a phone, 4 snackeez, a black lab, a motor bike. Did you send me that elf well I named him Alexander. I also want a basketball goal, a elf for our classroom, lots of candy, a vet kit, a master bathroom.


I want a noo shrt.


I want a nerf gun. With a scope.


How are you: For Scooter. Basketball .


How are your elfs doing and you. I want for Christmas is a dirt bicke. Under armor shirts. and underarmor shorts. Cool glases. And pans. And underarmor sweatshirt.


How are you? I hope you are coming on Christmas. For Christmas I want a intendo switch, a watch that tracks steps and has game and pickchrs. I wold like one. I love that you care for other people. You Love everyone you give them Joy you give presens to people on Christmas your elfs help you give presens to people you give Love to people.


Last modified Dec. 22, 2021