• Last modified 361 days ago (Feb. 15, 2024)


Hillsboro man faces rape charge

Staff writer

A Hillsboro man was arrested Monday on child sex charges after he went to Hillsboro police Headquarters to answer officers’ questions about a report made by a minor.

William A. Dykens, 32, was arrested at 6:16 p.m. Monday on suspicion of rape, aggravated criminal sodomy of a child younger than 18, and aggravated indecent liberties with a child younger than 14.

Police Chief Jessey Hiebert said the victim, who lives in the Hillsboro area, had been taken into protective custody four days earlier after she came forward to police.

The victim and the suspect knew each other, Hiebert said.

“I’m just glad she got the courage to come forward,” Hiebert said. “We as an agency take these reports very, very seriously, and this will be investigated to the fullest extent.”

Last modified Feb. 15, 2024