• Last modified 1189 days ago (Nov. 17, 2021)


Hillsboro, Peabody-Burns may join Marion swim team

Staff writer

Hillsboro and Peabody-Burns schools are considering joining Marion’s school swim team, as Centre schools have already done.

Deadline for joining is Jan. 1 so the swim team can participate in the 2022 season, beginning at the end of February.

Two Centre students already are on Marion’s girls swim team.

At its Nov. 8 meeting, Hillsboro’s school board discussed joining Marion’s team, but members said Marion’s lack of experience in cooperative agreements was a concern.

Members also expressed concern that introducing a new activity might draw students away from other activities with few participants.

“Maybe we wouldn’t do one of those other activities and do swim instead,” board member Rod Koons said.

Board members said they had been told between six and 20 swimmers could be permitted. But Marion coach Randy Carlson said there was no limit on how many students could compete in swimming, and that he would be willing to take on as many students as wanted to participate.

“There’s high school teams like Bishop Carroll that have 20, 30, or 40 girls, and some that may have five or seven girls,” he said. “You can have a swim team with one girl by rule. It doesn’t take a full team. You can compete individually as long as your school supports it.”

Hillsboro would need to find a sponsor to drive participating athletes to Marion.

Peabody High School is also considering an agreement with Marion.

Last modified Nov. 17, 2021