• Last modified 1023 days ago (May 18, 2022)


Holter gets 6 more weeks, 25.7% raise

Staff writer

Marion city administrator Roger Holter, who earlier submitted his resignation effective at the end of June, was hired Monday to serve as interim administrator for six additional weeks at $10 more per hour.

The city is searching for a new administrator but faces an expected wait until after Aug. 15. Holter will be paid from July 3 until Aug. 15 at the pay rate the city is advertising for the job — $100,000 a year.

That means his pay for those six weeks will go from $38.75 an hour to $48.70 an hour.

Holter said before council members voted to hire him as interim administrator that he had notified the state retirement program that he would retire in September instead of the end of June.

Council member Ruth Herbel questioned the wisdom of appointing Holter.

Herbel asked city clerk Tiffany Jeffrey whether she could see the city through its budget cycle. The city must adopt and approve its budget by Aug. 22.

Jeffrey said Holter does more budget work than she does.

In other business, council members approved an airport plan that will expand the size and runways and add hangars to the airport.

Engineer Darrin Neufeld said he will talk more about the project in July or August.

Last modified May 18, 2022