• Last modified 1744 days ago (July 25, 2019)



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Is the city helping?

To the editor:

After reading an article in the Record last week about the struggles of the variety store HRK, I stopped by to purchase tomatoes and ask a few questions about their store.

I asked whether economic development director Randy Collett had come to see what the city could do to help the business stay in town. Their answer was, “No.”

I am sadly disappointed we are not trying to help keep our mom-and-pop businesses in town. These are the type of businesses that will keep Marion alive and are the backbone of our city.

Second, a parking lot belonging to St. Luke Hospital at Melvin and Roosevelt Sts. violates city zoning regulations.

A building permit was not requested to make the vacant lot into a parking lot. A fine of $200 could be assessed, plus $200 per day of violation.

Zoning regulations require parking lots be hard surfaced with few exceptions. I have not found an exception for this parking lot.

Third, is the parking lot belonging to the hospital on the north side. There is a vision triangle that must be followed in zoning regulations for parking lots in residential areas.

Twice when I was driving south I have almost been hit at this intersection because you cannot see the traffic coming from the west. Thursday, this happened again.

After being involved in an accident the week before, I’m on the cautious side. I called the chief of police to ask that he visit with Jeremy Ensey, CEO of St. Luke Hospital, about the vision triangle on both parking lots.

On Friday, the cars on the north lot were still parked illegally according to zoning regulations, with no vision triangle being used.

This violation can be fined up to $200 and $200 for each day after.

Zoning regulations are in place for a reason. If we are not going to enforce them, get rid of them. Let’s don’t pick and choose how and when we are going to use the zoning regulations.

Ruth Herbel, Marion

Last modified July 25, 2019