• Last modified 1283 days ago (Jan. 21, 2021)


A snowball’s chance

Kids’ fund-raiser is more about
warm hearts than cold cash

A snowy day became an opportunity for philanthropy for three Marion youngsters. Evi Baxa, Peyton Metro, and Aubrey Whiteman made snowballs and sold them to raise money for St. Luke Hospital.

Evi’s mother, Amanda Baxa, presented the money Friday to hospital CEO Jeremy Ensey. Altogether, the young entrepreneurs raised $26.25.

Ensey has three ideas for how to spend the windfall. It could be added to the hospital scholarship fund, used for COVID-19 supplies, or used to buy pediatric supplies for the clinic, such as children’s band aids, suckers, toys, and the like.

Last modified Jan. 21, 2021