• Last modified 691 days ago (March 2, 2023)


Land banks get dumping break

Staff writer

Contractors who demolish houses for land banks throughout the county will be able to take construction and demolition rubble to the county’s transfer station without paying its customary tipping fee.

County commissioners made that decision after discussing upcoming demolition of a house in the county land bank.

County Clerk Tina Spencer put the question to commissioners. Commissioners favored waiving the tipping fee for county land bank property but thought the policy should be fair to Hillsboro and Marion land banks as well.

Commissioners’ vote to waive tipping fees for construction and demolition waste was unanimous.

In other business, Sheriff Jeff Soyez told commissioners he was looking at options for a new patrol vehicle.

Commissioner Kent Becker asked Soyez about tow bills when a patrol vehicle breaks down and when the department seizes a vehicle as part of a drug bust.

Becker, who serves as county representative for South Central Kansas Economic Development District, told commissioners he was not sure he would recommend the county continue its affiliation with SCKEDD.

“We fired the director last week,” he said. “SCKEDD has been operating at a large loss for a non-profit.”

Becker said the organization needed large changes because overhead expenses were too high.

Commissioners also conducted reviews with county department heads.

Last modified March 2, 2023