• Last modified 1227 days ago (March 17, 2021)


Accusers named

To the editor:

I would like to apologize to Chris Costello, Jerry Kline and Susan Gray members of the city council. The article in the Record stated I had been found guilty and convicted of an accusation that was not true. It was not Chris, Jerry and Susan that found me guilty. The following names were on the letter, Roger Holter, David Mayfield, Susan Robson, and Randy Collett. I apologize to the three city council members.

This is the letter:

“Dear Ruth: I just wanted to touch base with you about the property owned by the city of Marion located at 828 N. Roosevelt. The municipal staff and Mayor Mayfield were made aware of your recent offer to sell this property to an individual.

“Please understand that the city’s agreement with Expedition Wind prevents the city (be it an employee or elected official) from offering or marketing this property to anyone else until such time as the contract expires.

“Further, as you are aware the Marion city council has affirmed the sale of this property and extension of the current agreement.

“Anyone who attempts or has attempted to market or sell the property prior to the expiration of the agreement put themselves personally at risk of being sued.

“The individual also put the city of Marion at risk for being sued over a breach of contract.

“Please remember that as a member of the city council, you need to abide by the decisions made by the council and allow the city’s employees to do their jobs. I suggest you review the guidelines for new council members provided to you upon your election.

“If you continue to put the city of Marion at risk, your actions could result in the Mayor admonishing you before the entire council. If you have questions, please contact Mayor Mayfield or Roger Holter, city administrator.

“Very truly yours, Susan C. Robson.”

Ruth Herbel

Last modified March 17, 2021