• Last modified 695 days ago (Sept. 1, 2022)


Criminal records

To the editor:

As a former law enforcement officer, I understand that once an individual is charged with a crime, it becomes public record. However, the Marion County Record has crossed a line, and I simply cannot stand by any longer.

When a person’s name is mentioned, it is not necessary to rehash every single charge or conviction on the individual’s record.

I find it especially egregious when the person has exhibited behavior that indicates a possible mental health issue. I’m just as frustrated as others in our community with what appears to be a lax judicial system, particularly regarding substance abuse, repeat offenders, and crimes associated. Perhaps we should recognize this as an unmet need and fund programs to help them.

As school starts and we return to the classroom, we are teaching students to be kind to each other. I respectfully request you reconsider this policy of reciting someone’s criminal record repeatedly. It’s straight up bullying.

Come on, MCR! You can do better.

Carol Laue, Marion

Editor’s note: We’re trying — which is precisely why we publish previous arrests and will continue to do so in addition to longer stories detailing the problem. Ignoring a problem doesn’t solve it. We hope listing repeated arrests is a constant reminder to the public, to the judicial and mental health systems, and to legislators who write the rules. Victims of addiction and mental illness aren’t the ones anyone should bully. Those who have failed to act to help them are.

Last modified Sept. 1, 2022