• Last modified 1241 days ago (March 3, 2021)


Peeved Patriots

To the editor:

For a few months now, there has been a resounding cry for unity in our nation, yet the mainstream media as well as our own local county paper continue to promote divisiveness by how they choose to report a story.

I attended the most recent Patriots meeting and was disappointed in how the Marion County Record reported on the event.

It seems the paper had an agenda in making the headline and the majority of the article about Dianne Novak instead of reporting on the other speakers and topics.

In the hour and a half meeting, Novak spoke less than 10 minutes.

Fair and balanced reporting would have included that the meeting opened in prayer. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance then sang the national anthem.

Daryl Enos led a discussion on his four-page handout that highlighted the formation of our country, its founders, and the Constitution.

Denice Bina spoke about the U.S. Constitution pocket booklet that Daryl brought for people to purchase and how we’d like to buy them for county high schoolers.

Greg Davidson told the group about legislation being discussed in the new Congress regarding the Second Amendment.

We closed the meeting singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

Regardless of political affiliation, this is a group of concerned American citizens wanting to be educated on many issues, such as our U.S. Constitution, so we can have informed voices to hold all politicians accountable.

The reason our country is in such a mess is because we have silently sat by, not looked into the facts, and continue to listen to biased mainstream media.

I challenge all of you to not believe everything you hear or read. The current censorship in America is making it harder to get the true story, and it takes work to decipher the truth.

There is more to a story than what mainstream media or the local paper will report. We need to all come together to move forward as a nation and a community.

Everyone is invited to the next Patriot meeting at 3 p.m. March 14 at the Marion Lake Hall. Unity begins with you!

Sara Dawson

Last modified March 3, 2021