• Last modified 135 days ago (Oct. 3, 2024)



Presidential race

To the editor:

I’m puzzled by Rose Davidson’s letter Sept. 11. She says she’s not “voting for Donald Trump,” then says she’s “not voting for Kamala Harris, either.”

Based, she says, on Harris’ history, she thinks Harris “will take this country and world even deeper down the hole we’re in.”

Davidson doesn’t give any examples to back up her dystopian view of the Democratic candidate’s presumed future behavior or define exactly what “hole” the nation and world are in.

Then she states, based on Trump’s history, “I know that he will do even better than his previous presidency in bringing peace and prosperity to my life.”

Again, she offers no details regarding how Trump will do this.

Trump as an agent of “peace” is impossible to picture. He became a traitor to America and violated his oath to the Constitution by inciting a violent riot Jan. 6, 2021, to illegally retain presidential power when he lost the 2020 election.

And the “prosperity” he conferred on the nation during his first term was the giant tax break he pushed that mainly benefited the rich and corporations.

I’m guessing Davidson is neither rich nor a corporation. 

If she actually believes Trump is such a magnificent candidate, why won’t she vote for him?

Maybe, deep down, with his constant bullying and lying (dog-eating Haitians, anyone?), she knows he’s a greasy grifter who cares only about grasping power so he can stay out of jail for all his many crimes. 

If she wants to preserve our democracy, she should vote for Harris. Whatever problems Davidson has with Harris will shrivel to nothing under the angry bonfire of Trump.

Michael Spence,
Tukwila, Washington

Last modified Oct. 3, 2024