Moving forward
To the editor:
I have a concern about the Marion signs “Stronger Together.”
I agree we all need to work together to make our city, our schools, our county the best we can.
It is interesting that it takes a negative action that gains worldwide attention for this type of idea to happen.
Because of the timing, it seems as if some people want to sweep the illegal, harmful activities that have happened under the rug and move on without any accountability, repercussions, or remorse.
For us to move forward, we need to learn from the mistakes that have taken place, hold those accountable for their actions, and take the necessary steps in making sure these mistakes do not happen again.
By doing this over the course of time and truly working together for the common good, we will become stronger together.
In athletics, we have sports teams in which the word “team” means “Together Everyone Achieves More.”
Let’s be a team and do what is best for Marion, both city and county.
In changing some words of our Preamble to the Constitution, think about this:
“We the people of Marion, in order to form a more perfect community, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for a common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity . . . .”
We have a great deal to offer here in Marion, and if we would just work together, we could bring out our very best for our community as well as our county.
Greg Wyatt, Marion