Buying votes
To the editor:
As a matter of public record, sources of financial contributions to fund political candidates in Kansas are available on the Kansas secretary of state website. That record shows that in the 70th District, our representative for Dickinson and Marion Counties, John Barker, has received less than 15% of his contributions directly from local people and entities who are wholly based in those two counties. More than 85% of his political contributions have come from outside our district.
Those contributions have come primarily from associations, organizations, and corporations, several of which have a local presence but are primarily statewide entities. That money is given to him to influence legislation that represents them but does not always represent us. John Barker, whom I voted for in past years, was elected to represent us, not those special interest groups.
As a result, 32% of bills that his committee allowed to be heard and voted on were bills for more alcohol, more gambling, and more marijuana.
Barker’s focus and time has been spent on several issues like trying to expand the sale and delivery of alcohol, which would result in home delivery of alcohol by Uber. It sounds convenient, but those states that have done it found that half of the alcohol ended up in the hands of minors.
What about his efforts to increase gambling by legalizing sports betting? Then his desire to legalize marijuana use? That would open the door to expanded use of marijuana, as has happened in other states. It would also add another state agency to oversee and regulate it.
None of these have been nor ever will be the paths that lead to improved productivity, increased economic prosperity, stronger families, or enhanced quality of life that families and individuals value and need to have supported in this legislative district or in our state.
Scott Hill has filed to run for the Republican nomination in the upcoming primary election Aug. 2. He will not be receiving contributions from special interest groups outside our district that would attempt to draw his attention away from the matters that are important to us.
Scott is pro-life, pro-freedom (remember the mandates and business closures), pro-Second Amendment, and for lower taxes.
Daryl Roney, Abilene
Last modified April 20, 2022