• Last modified 978 days ago (May 11, 2022)


Endorsing Barker

To the editor:

I have a unique perspective because I have personally known and worked with our current state representative, John Barker, since 1983, when he concluded his service to our country in the U.S. Army and was hired by Dickinson County as our only criminal investigator.

John worked tirelessly to make Dickinson County a safer place to live and was highly respected by everyone for his hard work, knowledge and leadership.

In 1987, John was selected for a district magistrate judge, where he again showed his dedication and leadership, serving with integrity and fairness throughout his 25 years as a judge.

After retiring, John is in his 10th year as our state representative. He also has continued to own and operate a small farm and ranch in central and southern Dickinson County.

During his 10 years as our state representative, he was selected as chairman of several important committees dealing with a multitude of complex issues.

He is pro-life and as chairman helped write and shepherd the important Value Them Both Amendment through his House committee and always has had the full support of Kansans for Life.

He is one of the strongest voices supporting our 2nd Amendment rights, recently received a President’s Award from the Kansas State Rifle Association, and is supported by the National Rifle Association.

He was a leader in the Republican Party protecting Kansas workers from federal and state overreach, allowing workers to make their own health decisions.

He voted to protect girls sports and always will protect conservative Christian family values. He also has led efforts to ban sanctuary cities that hid criminal illegal aliens from federal immigration authorities.

He did not support remote delivery of alcohol by delivery services, and that bill did not make it out of his committee.

I have known many Kansas legislators during my 33-year career in county and state law enforcement. John Barker is one of the best.

John C. Nachtman, Abilene

Last modified May 11, 2022