• Last modified 225 days ago (March 6, 2024)


Slicing up the spam

To the editor:

Your piece last week, “Talking about our hang-ups,” was spot-on with respect to how this “industry” has gotten totally out of control. Text messaging scams are becoming just about as bad. However, your last paragraph regarding bullies particularly resonated.

My late Grandmother Haviland (whose great-grandmother the Kiowa County town is named after) came from peaceful Quaker stock.

I don’t recall her ever starting a quarrel. But she could be pushed to her limits.

When I inquired regarding a certain situation, she replied, “Sometimes you just have to treat a bully like a bully.”

I have never forgotten that advice.

She passed away long before these scams and telemarketers came onto the scene, but I can imagine how she would deal with them.

If we don’t set boundaries, there will be no end to this stuff. Sadly, those agencies tasked with looking out for our welfare should be leading that effort.

Willis Lamm
Stagecoach, Nevada

Last modified March 6, 2024