• Last modified 1036 days ago (March 3, 2022)


Library to show old 8mm films

Old 8mm films of Peabody will be shown 1 to 3 p.m. March 13 in Ann Potter Room at Peabody Township Library.

The films were made between 1940 and 1971. They feature a 1941 Jamboree, a new 1941 fire truck, a Fourth of July pool party from 1947, a ’50s school track and field day, and junior high football.

Films related to Kansas’ centennial in 1961 include a parade, students modeling Kansas centennial costumes, and track meets. A film about Peabody’s 100th celebration in 1971 also will be shown.

Light refreshments will be served.

Peabody Historical Society is sponsoring the event and will accept donations.

Website adds features

Peabody Township Library used a $5,400 grant through the state library in Topeka to design a new library website:

One section helps those with physical or mobility issues take a virtual tour of the library, from the parking area through all public areas inside, including the bathroom and stairway to a meeting room.

Patrons may check availability of the meeting room and make reservations online. The page also informs patrons of upcoming events, activities, and library news.

Last modified March 3, 2022