• Last modified 1122 days ago (Jan. 20, 2022)


Library wins top award - again

Staff writer

Marion City Library has swept in its second consecutive — and third total — top award from a national library organization.

“Library Journal,” a national library association that supports libraries, announced Marion’s library as a winner of its five-star award.

The library also got a five-star rating in 2020 and 2018. It got four-star awards in 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2019, and two-star awards in 2012 and 2013.

Ten libraries in the nation are in the same budget category, and Marion City Library is the only one in Kansas to get the award, librarian Janet Marler said.

“It’s based on budget, population, circulation, computer usage, Wi-Fi usage, and program attendance,” she said.

Usage is measured by how many people in the library’s service area take advantage of its programs, she said.

“We’re fortunate that we have so many people give memorials that help us stretch our budget further, and we usually get some grants throughout the year, too,” Marler said.

Marler said the library had fewer visitors in 2020 and 2021 because of COVID-19. The library restricted the number of patrons allowed at one time during part of 2020. People are also being cautious, she said.

Marler said the library was proud it got a five-star rating again this year and grateful to the community for its support in using the library.

Last modified Jan. 20, 2022