• Last modified 484 days ago (June 21, 2023)


Local options for senior meals reduced

Staff writer

It used to be that senior centers in the county had free reign on what meals they prepared for seniors they served.

For several months now, that has not been the case.

North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging has changed the way its Friendship Meals program operates. Now, the same menus are sent out to all senior centers.

Asked why every senior center was feeding clients the same menu most days, Marion Senior Center’s cook was succinct.

“Manhattan is making out the menus,” Kathy Bernhardt said.

There is a bit of leeway, Bernhardt said.

“We can change around the day they are served,” she said.

The center also is allowed one day a week to prepare meals its clients especially like.

Friendship Meals are designed to provide nutritious meals for seniors through local dining centers or home delivery for homebound patrons.

Research has shown the program is good for seniors, resulting in fewer hospitalizations and hospital stays.

Meals are available to people 60 and older along with spouses and people who are disabled.

A voluntary contribution of $4 is requested for a Friendship Meal, but if diners cannot comfortably afford to pay $4, they may pay what they are able.

Younger people such as family members may have a meal for $7.

Last modified June 21, 2023