• Last modified 946 days ago (March 17, 2022)


Man injured in fall from tree

Staff writer

A 65-year-old man fell from a ladder Sunday in Lehigh and was given cardiopulmonary resuscitation by a quick-witted passerby who spotted him unconscious on the ground.

The victim, whom emergency medical services director Travis Parmley would not identify, apparently was trimming a tree when he fell. Parmley said a saw, a ladder, and tree cuttings were on the ground beneath the tree.

Ambulance attendants, Lehigh firefighters, and Parmley responded to the scene near North Ave. and Main St.

The victim was taken to Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, by Hillsboro ambulance.

“Nobody saw him fall,” Parmley said. “It was a passerby who saw him and stopped.”

Because of the length of the ladder from which the man apparently fell, EMTs took spinal injury precautions.

“We have to go by the suspicion if they appeared to fall over 10 feet,” Parmley said. “We have to play with the worst case scenario.”

Parmley said the man had presumed head injuries.

Last modified March 17, 2022