• Last modified 1043 days ago (March 31, 2022)


MARION: Track attracts Warriors

Staff writer

Marion High School has more faces on its track and field team than it has had in years: 34 students (22 boys and 12 girls) are playing this year.

“We picked up a lot of freshmen; we retained our juniors, seniors, and sophomores; and we’ve had some kids move in,” coach Grant Thierolf said. “Between all of those things, we’ve got a few more out — which is a good thing to have.”

It is the largest track team Marion has had since 2012, when roughly 70 students participated.

Thierolf and his assistant coaches are glad for the even spread of students across 18 different specialties.

“We’ve got a nice cross-section of kids in our team,” Thierolf said. “It’ll be easy to get them all into a meet.”

Last year’s team was on the younger side and staggered by a year of quarantine, but it still took three students to state championships.

“We actually got a lot better as the year went along,” Thierolf said. “I was pleased with how we matured and how we kept competing throughout the year. Our kids competed awfully hard. I’m quite proud of them, and now we’re just a year stronger.”

Seniors Campbell Winter and Heidi Grimmett, who have done track throughout high school, have stepped up as leaders and role models for the high and middle school teams, according to Thierolf.

Thierolf also highlighted Grayce Tankersley, a senior who transferred to Marion when her family moved last year.

“She’s integrated really well into all we’ve done,” he said. “She attacks every challenge with enthusiasm.”

The team’s first meet will be Tuesday at Hillsboro.

Last modified March 31, 2022