• Last modified 1374 days ago (Oct. 21, 2020)


october 21, 1920

With $15 million dollars as a conservative estimate of its valuation, the new consolidated district that is being formed at Florence is by far the wealthiest consolidated school in Kansas. District 3, the oldest district in Marion County and the home of the Urschel oil fields, voted October 11 to consolidate with the Florence district. The new $90,000 high school building in Florence will be ready for use in three weeks.

There will be a Halloween program and pie supper, given for the piano fund at Grapes, District 54, on Friday evening, Oct. 29.

An entertainment entitled “The Old Maid’s Club” will be given by the ladies of the Federated Churches. Full of fun from start to finish. Everyone come.

There has been an effort on the part of the fire department and others for some time to devise a means of securing additional fire fighting apparatus for the city. The antiquated apparatus with which the fireman have had to work has been a source of much trouble. It has also been the cause of the raising of insurance rates for the city to a burdensome degree.

A new newspaper has made its appearance at Hillsboro, published in the same plant as the Hillsboro Forward. It is an English newspaper, The Hillsboro News. J.D. Fast is the editor.

The annual Freshman-Sophomore reception was given Friday night at the Presbyterian church. Games constituted the entertainment of the evening. Hershey bars were given as prizes.

Last modified Oct. 21, 2020