• Last modified 1255 days ago (Feb. 17, 2021)


february 17, 1921

The W.R.C. served another of their great dinners in the courthouse Friday noon, charging fifty cents for $4.75 worth of food. They should have charged for both dinner and supper, for nobody who ate there at noon needed anything in the evening.

A lone bandit, masked, held up Sam Keller, night operator at the Rock Island station. early last Friday morning and secured about forty dollars from the drawer and Mr. Keller’s watch.

He then took Mr. Keller outside and locked him in a box car. A short time afterward Mr. Keller attracted help and was released.

Special detectives and blood hounds from Concordia were here Saturday afternoon, but nothing definite developed in the investigation.

Hear the Six Brown Brothers play “If a Wish Could Make It So.” It’s a Victor record double faced, 85c at Thompson Brothers.

Pete Meyer, of near Tampa, was brought in Sunday night on a charge of operating a still. He plead guilty and was given a sentence of $100 fine and 60 days. The officers got quite a quantity of the home made stuff and the outfit with which it was made.

A small colored boy, who saw the bloodhounds at the Rock Island depot the other day, ran home yelling, “Here comes Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

Little Mildred Propp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Propp, marvelously escaped injury Sunday when a large Buick touring car knocked her down on the pavement in front of her home. The car passed over her but the wheels did not strike her and she was not injured aside from a few minor bruises. The car had been racing, and was going a pretty good rate.

Prisoners in the county jail came near an escape last Friday night. They had dug through the stone wall and had quite an opening before being discovered.

Last modified Feb. 17, 2021