• Last modified 1248 days ago (Feb. 24, 2021)


FEBRUARY 24, 1921

The Methodist Ladies served a fine dinner Tuesday night in the Masonic hall. They had about two hundred and seventy-five guests. Over a hundred dollars was cleared. A fine social time was also enjoyed. They will hold a food sale March 12.

Fannie Hurst’s most appealing story, “Humoresque” has been transferred to the screen and will be the feature attraction at the Garden Theatre next Tuesday and Wednesday. The intensely human atmosphere of the novel is said to have been incorporated into the picture with singular success.

A.T. Ely southeast of town had the misfortune to cut his wrist severely this week while chopping wood. He is getting along nicely.

All eligible members of the American Legion are requested to meet Tuesday evening. Several good bouts are assured for the boxers are up and ready to go. Help out with your presence.

Be at the Legion hall March 3rd, when Tommy Doctor and McMillen meet in their second wrestling match in Marion. Good seats and plenty of heat. Nuf said. Tell your friends.

Earl Magathan has moved his electric shop into the new room just east of the Hanstine hardware store.

Saturday the 12th being the birthday anniversary of Miss Michaels, the Faculty planned a party in her honor.

They met at the home of Rev. Ross and the guests were also the victims of a surprise when they learned that the lady who was to be their honored guest was just ready to retire. This however she decided to postpone until a later hour and with the other teachers enjoyed an evening at “Hearts.”

At the close of the evening refreshments of cake, whipped cream and chocolate were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Socolofsky are the parents of a daughter, born Wednesday, February 16th.

Last modified Feb. 24, 2021