100 years ago
march 17, 1921
Another of the old stone buildings on Main street, one of the first business building in the town which has weathered the years, is being partially torn down, will be remodeled and put into tenantable condition. It is the old stone building just east of the Stout Motor Co. Garage, and which has borne on the front the sign of J.P. Reed, though since the time it was used by him a number of other businesses have been housed there.
One man said that when he came here forty years ago it was here and business was prospering in it He said that he dropped into a little store across the street and asked where there was a drug store. The keeper, Mr. Mehl, pointed across to the old building now being remodeled and replied, “You can get all the whiskey you want over there.”
Two of the town’s finest young people were united in marriage last Friday when Miss Lillian Parker, daughter of Mrs. J.K. Parker, and Cecil Pierce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Pierce, were married. The ceremony took place at Newton.
Oil men are expecting that as soon as money becomes a little easier and the price of oil goes up again, that there will be considerable activity in the wildcat territory east and north of here.
Al Nienstedt, who ran a little reader local in the Record advertising seed, has had orders from many different points, one as far away as Ness City. His old friend, George Loveless, who lives near there, wrote that he saw the seed advertised and knew that if Al Nienstedt had it, it was good seed, and ordered a couple of sacks.
J.R. Burton and Prof. Wilson, two speakers for the Nonpartisan League, were here Wednesday afternoon to hold a meeting. They were unable to secure a place to speak and later went to the new hall east of Pilsen where the meeting was held. Probably seventy-five people attended.
Last modified March 18, 2021