• Last modified 1213 days ago (March 31, 2021)


march 31, 1921

This part of the country experienced a cold spell the first of the week which killed practically all of the fruit. Both Sunday and Monday nights quite thick ice formed, and we understand that the thermometer went down as low as fourteen degrees.

It is cheering and inspiring just to go around town and see the evidences of town pride, the “fix-up” spirit everywhere manifest. You may travel thousands of miles and not see a more beautiful, well-kept town than Marion. If you are not proud that you live here you should be. It is a mighty pretty little city.

E.S. Ridgeway started a movement the other day to secure a golf course here, and the men of the town to whom he has talked so far are all anxious to get in on the proposition. Golf is a sport that has never been attempted here but which will undoubtedly develop much interest.

You’ve got to give it to Fred Bowlby as a landscape artist. He’s the best in this line that ever struck this old town. Many handsome lawns here attest the truth of this tribute, notably the Courthouse lawn, in the grading of which many hundred loads of dirt were used. And now he is doing a similar job around the fine new Christian church.

A Wichita evangelist is predicting an early end of the world. But every real Bible student knows that there is no Scriptural authority for making any such prediction. Indeed, it is absolutely unscriptural.

Rodds Motor Co. of Wichita will exhibit an interesting model of the Maxwell car here Friday and Saturday. It is a car in which parts have been cut away and all the working parts of the car can be seen in action. The car will be shown at the Buick garage through the courtesy of Propp and Propp.

The Legion Hall Friday night was the scene of the most elaborate social event of the season when about forty couples of the dancing club enjoyed a masked dance.

Last modified March 31, 2021