• Last modified 1366 days ago (April 7, 2021)


april 7, 1921

Fifty men have formed a golf club. Well, it is the greatest and most wholesome of all outdoor sports. One can get more good, invigorating exercise (without knowing it, which is the best way) playing golf than in any other way. It is good alike for fagged body and jaded mind. Go to it, fellows.

The site for the course has not get been secured. Two or three very desirable places are not obtainable.

The writer has seen the blue prints of the elegant new residence Mr. John Powers is going to erect on the site of the old Eckeler place. It be one of the handsomest homes in the county on the most picturesque site in a town noted for its scenic beauty.

The McBride Tire Shop which has occupied the room next door to the Weimer Music Store for some months, will move soon to the Rudd building, just east of the Haldeman barber shop.

The younger music pupils of Miss Viola Thompson gave a recital at her home Monday evening. After the program, a very enjoyable time was spent playing musical games.

Mr. James McKay received a telegram yesterday from the Government notifying him that the body of his son Jack McKay, who fell in France, would arrive in New York to-day. Nothing definite as to when it would be forwarded.

Harry Rogers, Robert Florer, and his daughter Helen Florer, went to Florence Tuesday and gave a black-face entertainment at the crowded theater.

Important work before the school board right now is the building of the new high school building. About $17,000 of the $135,000 voted a year ago for a new building and improvements was expended last summer on the old building. The Record hopes that the new building will be built on some prominent site. A fine impression it will make on strangers and tourists, and the advertising it will give the town, if located in a prominent place, will be of great value.

Last modified April 7, 2021