• Last modified 1157 days ago (May 26, 2021)


june 2, 1921

The country has been visited in the past week or so with almost a plague of millers. They swarm about the lights at night and it is impossible to keep them out of houses. We are told that this miller is the one that lays eggs which later hatch into a cut worm,

The office of the County Farm Agent has been moved from the upstairs room in the Dean building to the room on the ground floor back of the Farmers and Drover National Bank. The new location is much more accessible and convenient than the old.

Two of Tampa’s soldier boys who died across the seas, were brought home for burial and fine services were held at Tampa on Sunday for Mr. Keefer and on Monday for Mr. Albert Morton. Fine crowds attested the position of honor in which they are held, and eloquent addresses were made to their memory.

Many old friends, including the writer, greatly miss the genial John McCarty from the streets. He has been ill at home for some time. His ever-bubbling Irish wit, his wholesome, patriotic sentiments, his friendly nature has made a host of friends for him in the old town, everyone of whom will echo the wish that he may soon be restored to health.

Last modified May 26, 2021