100 years ago
June 16, 1921
Florence is announcing that they are going to put on one of the greatest celebrations of the Fourth that has ever been given in the county. Barbecue, ball games, street dances, etc. Marion county people shouldn’t want for entertainment this Fourth.
The Hillsboro Booster Club with twenty-five car loads of live boosters and a fine twenty-five piece band were here today advertising their big Fourth of July celebration. It was a great turnout, horns, clowns, whistles, ‘neverything. They are planning on a real old fashioned celebration up there.
This writer has never believed the stone-arch bridge at all responsible for the floods in Marion. He has stood on that bridge or in front of the Park during nearly every flood and without an exception that he can remember the water has always backed up over the Park, simply showing that it was coming late into town faster than it could get out. How, then, could the bridge be responsible for these backwater floods?
Wheat harvest is on in earnest in the western part of the county and the yields reported are from eighteen to twenty bushels to the acre.
The first game of the Sunday school league will be played Friday evening. The game will be between the Federated and Evangelical teams. An admission of ten cents for all except children under fifteen years will be charged.
Sam Haldeman has bought out “Red the Barber” and will run his barber shop as a four chair shop.
The K.L.C.E. of the Youngtown church were at the county farm Sunday afternoon and sang some fine songs for the inmates. They took with them a rocking chair, which we understand was donated by H.A. Jones and presented it to Miss Jackman. Their visit and their kindness were no doubt greatly appreciated.
Last modified June 9, 2021