• Last modified 1122 days ago (June 30, 2021)


july 7, 1921

A great Fourth of July celebration was held at L.E. Riggs’ grove. The Grapes and Youngtown young people gave a program and then played a ball game against each other, a wonderful dinner was enjoyed and an ice cream counter was busy all the while.

Having never shown any signs of becoming even well rounded ourselves, we regret having to say anything about the baseball game between the Fats and Leans last Thursday. Things got badly twisted and mind failed to triumph over matter by a large margin. Capt. Link Waterman of the Skeletons has been trying to get the Fats to agree to play again but so far has had no luck.

The big concrete bridge three miles south of town was opened for traffic today. The work on the bridge was completed a couple of weeks ago but it was not safe to let it be opened while the concrete was still green.

Someone remarked the other day that the age of wonder had passed. No one wonders at or pays much attention to new wonders. A little girl riding up town yesterday on a calf caused more comment that an airplane would nowadays.

C.F. Pantle was struck in the side of the face by a golf ball at the grounds Wednesday evening. Quite a bruise was made and inside of the cheek was cut. He had driven off of tee nine and walked ahead while his companion was driving.

The people of Antelope and vicinity assembled for a good neighborhood picnic on July 4th at the beautiful grove north from Antelope, located on Henry Wight’s farm on Clear Creek, affording much enjoyment for the kiddies and also the grown up people bathing. Also a swimming race was greatly enjoyed and oh such a dinner, slathers of goodies.

The national House of Representatives has passed a bill making pensions for veterans of the Civil War and their widows payable monthly instead of quarterly. The bill has gone to the Senate, the early passage of which there is looked and hoped for.

Last modified June 30, 2021