100 years ago
july 21, 1921
A lot of small boys of the town are picking up plenty of money to buy all-day suckers by caddying for the golf players at the Country Club these days. The Club received fifty caddy badges the other day and all but one of them have been taken out.
Fire at 2 o’clock last night, Wednesday, destroyed a barn on the Lawrence Riggs property in Jex Addition. The fire department made excellent time getting to the fire but nothing could be done except keep it from spreading to other buildings.
The merchants of Lincolnville have sent out an attractive little folder boosting their town. It contains a directory of city and county officers, information such as driving distances to neighboring towns, railroad fares to various points, advertisements of various business places, etc. It is a nice statement to the people in the Lincolnville territory of the advantages the town presents. It is being sent out with literature concerning the Chautauqua which is to be held there.
ADV — Grant Property Owners: You are notified to cut weeds along the roads or we will hire it done and charged to the property. By Order of Township Board.
Judge R.L. King, judge of the District Court, comprising the counties of Marion, Morris, Dickinson and Geary, has decided to resign the position and will send in his resignation to the Governor. He expects to retire from the bench on the first of September. He will go into general practice here with his son, Roscoe King.
Last modified July 15, 2021