• Last modified 1302 days ago (July 22, 2021)


july 28, 1921

County officers hit the home brew booze makers hard and heavy the last of the week and the first of this. The raids which they conducted netted them three stills. Two were found at Florence and one west of Durham.

The frame school building at Lehigh, Kansas, will be sold at Public Auction, at 1 o’clock p.m. Friday, Aug. 5th. Cash or satisfactory term to purchaser.

The membership of the Country Club is now completed at one hundred. The house is almost completed and ready for opening. The course is getting in better shape each week and there is hardly a member on the list who is not seen there sometime during the week, playing the nine holes.

Mrs. C.C. McCormac expects to leave Saturday for Kansas City and St. Joseph to do her fall buying for her millinery store.

Chas. O’Bryant reports a fine trade Community Day. He was to give away each 13th pair of shoes sold that day and was called on to put up three pairs. The lucky parties were Bob Whitford, Ben Stenzel, and A.M. Klenda.

John Kafton, living southwest of Marion, was kicked by horses at his place Wednesday afternoon and received quite serious injury.

Mr. Clithero, professional golf instructor from Topeka was here a couple of days the last of the week and quite a number of Country Club members took instruction from him. He will probably return about the middle of August.

In his weekly column “Wander’s Notes,” editor E.W. Hoch writes from Wyoming that he was awfully sorry to read in the Record of the accident which cost little Jimmy Coffin a broken arm. “I like that little fellow; he is so polite, so respectful to older people, so good natured, and so industrious. He is a mighty fine, deserving little chap.”

Last modified July 22, 2021