• Last modified 1094 days ago (July 28, 2021)


AUGUST 4, 1921

The rain Monday night came nearer the proportions of a bad storm north of town than it did here. Persons who were at the dance hall east of Pilsen say that the wind rocked the building on the foundation until they were afraid that it would collapse.

The “thrasher ring” of the Niels Olsen neighborhood southwest of town composed of ten families held a fine picnic Wednesday evening at the Olsen place. At this picnic it was the place of the party who had the finest average in his wheat crop to furnish the ice cream for the picnic and Joe Burkert had that pleasure, his grain having averaged twenty-eight bushels.

About twenty-five carloads of Aulne folks made a booster trip through here Monday afternoon in the interest of their Chautauqua which begins the 10th of this month. The trip included visits to Marion, Canada, Hillsboro, and Peabody. Aulne has a lot of fine, live-wire folks and they deserve commendation for the undertaking of securing a Chautauqua for their community.

The Lutheran church at Lincolnville was struck by lightning during the storm Monday evening and a blaze was started. But citizens of the town quickly put out the blaze before much damage was done. Probably the damage will amount to a hundred dollars.

Mr. Lester and Mr. Graves, both of Salina, have come to Marion to open a tailoring and cleaning shop. They are located in the new brick building recently completed by C.C. Johnson just east of the Stout Motor Co. Mr. Lester will have charge of the altering and tailoring department and Mr. Graves of the cleaning.

Last modified July 28, 2021