100 years ago
august 18. 1921
A lot of Marion County people are liable to find themselves up against a fine if they don’t get their new auto license tags. Up to the first of the week there had been 4,173 licenses issued in the county and the treasurer’s office estimated there were still about six hundred for which licenses had not been purchased.
Rosse Case, Bert McCullough, G.M. Wolf, S.W. Williamson, S.C. Freeland, Raleigh Bowlby, and Harry Bowlby went to Camp Funston Monday to attend the wreckage sale. The first three returned Tuesday; the others are remaining during the week.
Little Frederick King caught his hand in the door of a closed car Sunday and mashed two fingers quiet badly.
Quite a nice surprise was held at John Richmond’s Aug. 11th, it being Harvey’s birthday. Quite a few nice and useful presents were received. Those present were Homer, Dorothy, and Helen Stiller, Hazel and Helen West, Anna Van Scoik, Vivian, Herman, and Wilbur Unruh, Maude Stinchcomb, Dorothy Klein, and Jimmy and Sissy Hiebert. Cantaloupe and cake were served. All report a joyous time.
Anton R. Steiner of the Lost Springs neighborhood was here Monday in the interest of the Farmers’ Union picnic which will be held Labor Day, Sept. 5th, in Amelia Park just northeast of Antelope. This is the new park recently given the town by Mr. Henry Wight and has been named in honor of Mrs. Wight.
The Aulne Chautauqua closed Saturday night. The attendance was good and the programs put on by the Cadmean people were all good. Even though the tent blew down with one performance lost and there was only a half- number Saturday night on account of rain, they are not discouraged. A contract for next year has been signed.
Last modified Aug. 12, 2021